

Little Blurbs

This is the spot where Christian can spend much of his time: just playing in the dirt.
He LOVES it. He likes to find little rocks and put them in containers, then dump and repeat.
This area is right outside the back door, so sometimes I get work done in the kitchen while he sits right outside and plays.

"Oh Mama..."

It's been a while since I've taken pictures of Christian sleeping, but this time, I have TWO! We look in on him every night and it's our favorite time to adore him...

Christian was outside playing while I was in the kitchen, and I came outside to find him enthralled with the drying blanket...

"Where's Christian??" (his favorite game!)

Showing off how he can hold the sippy cup between his teeth--- no hands!

Uh oh, he fell down. :) (and he laid there for about a minute!)

Simon's parents are here for the weekend! And I'm SO glad because Christian needs some good wholesome grandparenting input. :) (and people who will marvel at his every move!)

1 comment:

  1. Heyyy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Orioles outfit ;-) Have a wonderful time with C&R this weekend! Miss you guys.

    PS: I had a dream last night that you guys were pregnant! :)

    Keep up the picture-posting :)


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