

Movin' On

We have to be out of our house by October 18th! So where are we going to go? Well--- we found a new house! It is not very far away, less than a mile. :) The only thing is, we probably can't move in until around Christmas (happy holidays to us). I guess we need to find somewhere to live in between--- know of a place?
The house we're buying will hopefully be our home for many many years--- it is large enough for our family to grow into and make many merry memories.
Simon's brother Luke has been staying with us the pat few days and over the weekend... he's in Chicago for a U2 concert. It's been great having another playmate for Christian. :)
Christian is such a little rascal. He does a pretty good job of listening, but sometimes it takes a little persuasion... or discipline.
Simon will start traveling for his job soon, hopefully I can go along for the longer ones. Simon's parents were here last weekend (again, great times for Christian). And my parents will have a short visit later this week (they are looking at some job opportunities here in Indiana --- yay!).

We'll keep you updated about our house and moving situation! Blessings...


  1. I don't have a home for you in Indiana but congratulations on the quick sale of your present home. That is pretty unusual right now so I'd accept it as a blessing.

  2. I am so happy for your speedy sale on your home and how quickly you were able to find a new house suitable for your family. Let us know if we can help in any way during the move! It probably would be too crowded to squeeze you guys into our existing home but we would love to help in any other way! Congrats Simon, Rachel, and Christian!

  3. Oh dear! What a situation to be in... So glad to hear you bought a house though--Congrats! If Simon's traveling brings you anywhere near Lancaster give me a call! We would love to see you all again.


Let me know what you think...