

Lake Michigan 2009

We had a trip to Warsaw, then St. Joseph, MI with some of our college friends (Jon and Amy Bell, Adam and Ali Wren, and Nate and Staci Woods). It ended up being quite cold, but we enjoyed the time together anyway.

At the park where we had a picnic:

The wives:

The guys played disc golf:

Even on a freezing day, he was enthralled with an ice cube:

What a cutie pie!

Nate swinging with Christian:

Out on the beach (Christian wasn't sure about the cold):

Couple's Twister--- Nate and Staci Victorious!

Christian wasn't sure about Barkley... as long as he was being held, the dog was the greatest thing.

1 comment:

  1. So you switched your blog up on me!! I'm glad I found your new one! Christian is such a cutie pie! I can't believe how big he's gotten!


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