

She's Official

Tomorrow she'll be ten days old!  We can't get enough of her...

Adriah Faith was born on June 14 at 11:25pm.  She weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces, 20.5 inches long.  Dark hair and big dimples!  I'll write her little birth story in another post.

Adriah is pronounced AY-dree-uh.  We've always chosen Bible names, and this one is too... but it's a stretch.  It comes from the word "Adriatic", as in, Adriatic Sea, found in Acts 27:27.  We added the "h" at the end so it would match her sister's names (Selah and Jadah).  At this time in our lives, faith has been an essential part of our journey, and for what lies ahead.  So she is our little "sea of faith."

The verse we have chosen for her is Psalm 146:6
He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them - He remains faithful forever.

Thanks to our families and supportive friends, our first week of transition to a family of six has been seamless.  If you've said a prayer for us in the past two weeks, God has been FAITHFUL and we feel uplifted and loved.  Can't wait for you to meet her in person!


  1. Adriah Faith is beautiful! We pray blessings upon your family! Aunt Joyce

  2. Can't wait to meet her either! She definitely looks like your babies but there is something unique about her! She is adorable! Glad things are going so smooth. You are one, amazing mama! Love you, friend!

  3. P.S. Love her name and the meaning behind it.

  4. Congrats! She's beautiful.

  5. Lindsey Lange6/24/12, 2:26 PM

    She is beautiful! I love the meaning of her name too.

  6. Love this post. Thanks for the meaning behind her name. Beautiful.


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