

Due Today!

I'm currently sitting in the doctors office waiting to have my membranes stripped (I said that just for Simon. He thinks that's the most awkward thing to say!) Today is my due date, although my last ultrasound measured me a week later. Never thought I'd still be pregnant by now! But am glad for the extra time. I've actually felt better in the last week than the 3 previous to it. I guess it helps that life has settled down somewhat and we haven't had many obligations. This morning I started priming my office area, so maybe I can get that painted before the baby comes? We'll see what happens after this appointment. :) Hopefully my next post will have a happy announcement! Josh and Ericka and Malachi (my sister and family) arrived last night to stay through the weekend, so I am going to have this baby while they're here(you hear that, baby?). I'm so thankful for their help already! Cheers.


  1. yay! praying for a healthy and happy delivery (soon!)!! Congrats again!

  2. Exciting! Come on little baby, we all want you here! Will be praying, Rachel, for a safe and healthy delivery!


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