

Trip to Iowa

After getting home from Maryland on a Sunday night, I did laundry during the day on Monday and left Monday night for my mom's house.  The next day we drove 4 more hours to my sister's house in Davenport, Iowa.  It was a quick and tough decision (because being trapped in a car with my 3 little boogers is only fun for so long)... but I am so glad I went!  My sister has a (new) blog, and she wrote about our time there.  Let's just say, she is the one that ended up with the love for reading, and with that came a great vocabulary.  She writes very well!--- and her rendition of the week is far better than mine would be, I'm sure of it.  So just hop on over to her blog and enjoy your read!  Click this link:

Life in General and Specific: 2 Bedrooms is 2 Bedrooms Too Small: "I never realized how small our apartment is. Well, until we had family come to visit. (Side note: we hope they come again soon. :) My mom ..."

1 comment:

  1. You are too complimentary about my writing. You would have written about it beatifully as well. Thanks for being so sweet.


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