

One of Those Days

Today started out pretty normal... "oh do I have to get out of bed again already?"

It was one of those days that slowly got worse and by lunch I wanted to cry and drive off somewhere.  I guess it was a mixture of the kids behavior and my own grouchy tendancies.  I realized that I hadn't been anywhere since church on Sunday (and now it was Thursday).  Oh my... I'm going CRAZY!
Yet somehow by the end of the day, I was completely in love with Christian, Selah, and Jadah, and took them to the park all by myself while Simon was at class.  I put them all in bed, loving on each one and smiling to myself as I stood outside Christian's door listening to him sing a song about, well, I'm not sure what about, I think I heard the words park and slide.  I can only attribute it to God's mysterious grace and the children taking extra long naps, during which I had time to sew, do laundry, tidy up, and do some design research.  The Lord answered my prayer for help on a day when I needed it most.  He never fails!
 No lack of smiles from these gals...

Can you guess who is who in this picture?

Helping daddy wash the car...

Happy Endings...


  1. I love reading your stories, and I definitely related to this one! Hope you're doing well; I think of you often. Wish you weren't so far!!!

  2. The girls are getting so big and I see both you and Simon in them.


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