

Big Belly Alert!

Several things!

First, I forgot to say in my last post that I finally felt a baby have hiccups last week!... and several times since.  Christian had them a LOT during the last few weeks of being inside me.  They seem so alive... which, of course, they are!
Also, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday... no ultrasound!  I was measured in the normal way, which measures the outside of the belly, and for a single baby, the size is usually close to how many weeks along you are.  I measured at 40!  This would explain why people are starting to tell me I look like I'm about to pop.  The doc also said he wouldn't be surprised if I'm further along than my original due date.  Which means... time to get ready for these babies.  I'm hoping to at least wait until March.
Anyway, thanks to Amy and her camera, I was able to get some pics of my growing belly and Christian too!  This is at 32 weeks...

And my precious little boy--- 

This is his "perch"... atop his little sisters.  He does notice my belly's size--- he's been randomly pointing at it and saying "belly"... not just to name anatomy, but because he's probably wondering what is happening to it.  I was looking at my bare belly today and he came and gently said "no" and pulled my shirt down over it.  Either he's wonderfully modest or he might be getting the idea that when we keep saying there are babies inside, we really mean it. 
He got another haircut earlier this week... probably his last one for quite a while.  A lollipop (and all the hair that fell on it) kept him pretty occupied.  We are loving this little boy SO much!  He and Simon had a great time wrestling tonight: Christian is becoming so grown up.
Anyway, just wanted to post those pictures for all of you curious little blog stalkers!  Ha ha... I LOOOVE that you are stalking my blog!
Back to watching LOST!...


  1. My rooommate and I just laughed out loud at Christian's comment to saying no and pulling your shirt down!

  2. are the lady in yoga with the big belly who can do ALL but one of the poses. You rock!

  3. Christian is growing SO much! I understand what you mean about him being grown up. Kaelyn is the same way. She's understanding so much more and acting like a 'big girl'. She has a baby doll that carries everywhere she goes. So I'll point to the doll and say 'Kaelyn's baby' then point to my belly and say 'Mommy's baby'. The other day I was changing her and she pointed to her belly and said 'baby?! I laughed and said 'some day you might have a baby in your belly!'
    I'm also getting ready for March - trying to arrange our bedroom for the convenience of during the night feedings once again. Love to your family. We miss you guys!

  4. jessica and I (amy) were just stalking you and glad you added some pictures! I want to see that belly! haha

  5. You look GORGEOUS! Better than EVER. And, this post about Christian made me chuckle! We think of you guys often. They're almost here.... :-) Love you.

  6. You are looking great!!!

  7. yes, i am blog stalker. :-)

  8. you look like you were made to have babies!!!! :)


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