

Goodbye January

I'm sure my amazement at January being over is very similar to yours.  It really is true: as you get older, time goes faster.  It's no wonder our parents are always saying things like "it feels like just yesterday..."

We have been busy little bees at the Henry House.  Last weekend Simon and I tried our hands at carpentry (well, mostly Simon since I feel a bit incapacitated with a watermelon for a stomach).  We built a platform for our washer and dryer ($20 as opposed to $400 for the store-bought platforms).  It's been so nice not having to bend over so far to do laundry.  He also cut out a headboard for me, which I upholstered.  I'm not 100% satisfied with it, so at some point, I may add something to it.  I'll have to post a picture later to get your crafty opinions. :)  Simon enjoyed the experience of building stuff, so with the inspiration of a blog I recently found (, he is starting a new hobby.  The first project is a simple bench that we will put behind our sofa.  I'll let you know how it turns out!

We are also continuing updates on our house.  The next big thing is the kitchen.  We finally got lighting (some inexpensive but great track lights).  We are putting in an island, wainscoting, backsplash, stove, and hopefully new countertops and sink.  The bathroom will probably have to wait until a while after the girls are born... I'll have to put up with my seashell toilet seat a little longer.

Christian has been doing super!  He had a doctor's appointment last week: he's grown and is now in the 5th% for his height!  He's talking a TON--- repeating pretty much anything you tell him to say (although not always discernible).  Dr. said that their verbal skills are a good indicator of higher intelligence.  Sweet... (although for all those quieter kids, I'm sure they're equally as smart...  I'm sure what the facts are based on).  It's been really beneficial to have several weeks of routine and being home.  He's been going to bed every night around 7:30 or 8, getting up around 7, then sleeping for THREE hours after lunch!  It's been amazing!!!  (I hate to ask for more, but I wouldn't mind if he slept in a little longer).  He makes me laugh so much, I love this kiddo!  His life is about to change so much, and he hasn't a clue.  We were given a crib (Thanks so much Rudy's!) that we are using in the girl's room, so we set up Christian's crib in his room.  He hadn't slept in a real bed since the middle of October (poor deprived child), and when we put him in it, he was SO excited!  Needless to say, it took him a while to fall asleep the first couple of times because he probably felt like he was in a new play-place.  We'll keep the girls in the same crib for the first few months, and then see if Christian is ready for something else (I have a feeling he wont' be, but we'll see). 
He loves playing ball (any type will do), reading books, eating fruit, bath/shower time, and playing with anything that has buttons, as in electronics.  He's growing up so much, and I feel so bad that I don't have pictures of his life during this time.  (Speaking of pictures, I finally sent my camera in to get fixed!... hopefully I'll get it back in the next few weeks). 

I am now 31 weeks pregnant, and still feeling wonderful.  Turning from one side to the other at night is a little inconvenient (okay, a LOT), but besides that, I'm sleeping well.  I feel like every morning when I wake up, my stomach has grown, but I'm still only measuring 42" around at the belly button.  Stretch marks are my new best friends.  The babies are around 3.5 pounds now, so hopefully they still grow a lot before being born, which is probably only 5-6 weeks away.  AHH!  I have so much to do!  But we are extremely excited.  We realize that life is about to change significantly, so we're doing as much as we can now to treasure the moments with each other and with Christian.  I took a picture of my growing stomach, but am waiting for a friend to send it to me.  (It was from Tiffany Clark's amazing baby shower, her, Amy Tonagel, and myself  took a threesome baby-belly picture!).

So anyway, sorry for yet another non-visual-aid post.  I hope you're not bored!  Time to do the budget...

... hello February!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    I think I finally figured out how to comment. You do a terrific job of blogging and I so enjoy your detailed descriptions of life in your home. What a treasure you are creating. You are a great wife, mommy, and of course daughter. Love you!


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