

RM Henry & Sons

I am not being paid to publish this "ad"... and even though those ARE my initials, it is not my company.  Simon's dad and I have the same initials, and he is a contractor with his own business.

They have company t-shirts.
Christian needs pajamas.

Large shirt + current pj's (as a pattern)...

= New PJ's for Christian!

(because we all know that every little child needs a huge pocket smack-dab on the middle of their chest!)(and I had to use some other fabric for the arms)

They fit! I think he likes them...
(sorry, he just happened to be standing in the bathroom...)

Way to go, RM Henry & Sons... and Grandsons too!

So alas, there IS hope for those t-shirts that don't get worn very often!


  1. FINALLY you got that boy some jammies! Good job Mama!

  2. So creative!!! I've made rugs with old t-shirts before, but never thought about kiddo's pjs.

  3. Haha. I'm glad you figured out a way to put the pocket in the front. They look really good. Much better than the dress we put on him.


Let me know what you think...