

Life with the Henry's...

Since I won't be packing, cleaning or sewing today, I figured it was a good time to update our blog.  I always enjoy the time with Christian when Simon is away.  Even though it is tiring, I am somehow more motivated and fall more in love with him.  It's our bonding time.  He has learned two new tricks while Simon has been gone (so much to show daddy!)...
#1- There were some papers in the living room which were trash, so I balled them up for him to play with.  But once I gave them to him, I though, "hmm, I'll try something."  So I said "Christian, go throw these away in the trash can."  To my surprise, he turned right around, marched to the kitchen, and tossed the wad of paper in with barely a second thought.  YAY!  We did this several times, and he even cooperated and showed it to Josh and Ericka when they came to visit.  I just hope I don't start finding toys and important things in the trash (although since then, if he finds a little scrap of trash or paper around the house, he'll bring it and throw it away...  he knows those things are "yucky").
#2- I packed a very small box of books and set it in front of the sofa, it's only about 6" high.  He has been using it to climb on and off the sofa and really enjoys it.  Well yesterday, he decided to try "stepping off" onto the floor and landing on his feet... essentially JUMPING!  He thinks it is the best thing in the world and will do it over and over again... only tumbling a few times (onto a giant stuffed animal nearby).  It's a lot of fun to watch.
Here are some pictures of the boy:
I found him sitting like this one day...

His first REAL haircut--- so stinkin' cute! (Thank you Grandma for the help, even when hair is blowing in your face!)...

He finally kept them on for a few minutes...

Cutie Patootie...

And this was a 2 weekends ago when he was ill, had a really high fever... was so sad...
(daddy was sad too)
(a few days later, he got one of his BIG upper teeth).

But he's all better now!

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