

My Girls are Two!

I absolutely looove the stage Selah and Jadah are in right now.  They are growing so fast--- learning more words and talking more each day.  They're getting attitudes.  They hit their brother (I don't know what they're thinking, he's capable of waaay more than they are).  They are potty trained except for while sleeping.  They eat by themselves and are learning to take off their own clothes (NOT simultaneously thank goodness).
I'm so glad we've gotten through 2 years with twins, there have been some struggles!  But I would quickly say that the joys of having twins has far outweighed the grief of that first year.  I was even crazy enough to wish for twins again when I found out I was pregnant.  In retrospect, I know I'll be thankful it's just one baby this time around.
While my sister was visiting this past weekend, we had fun taking pictures of our children together (Christian is three and a half, the girls are 2, and Malachi needed his 3 month pictures).  Here's what we came up with!
The Boys

Heart Breaker!

This boy is a ham!

My 3 Little Loves

The Birthday Girls!
Sweet Kisses

And Sweet Little Malachi (honestly, such a good baby!)

Happy Birthday to Selah and Jadah!  I am so excited to live the next year as your mom!


  1. These pictures are ADORABLE! You need to be closer so you can take pics of my guy, too! Love those little kids! Hope they had a nice birthday!

  2. Grandma Potteiger3/2/12, 9:31 AM

    Happy Birthday Selah and Jadah! It has been an incredible privilege to live with you the last couple of months and to watch you grow. Papaw and I have been so blessed to have been given the gift of 5 (soon) beautiful grandchildren. Our prayer is for each of you to grow up to love and fear the Lord with all your hearts!

  3. I love you, pretty girls. I can't believe they're two already! It doesn't seem like the sweet babies I held two years ago could already be such charming little characters! You're doing a great job as parents- keep up the good work. Those two darlings steal everyone's heart!


  4. Such beautiful kids!! So glad that age 2 is going well for you :) Can't say the same for my twins, though age 3 (and now almost 4) is a lot better.

  5. happy birthday to your beautiful little babes!

  6. Happy Birthday, adorable girls!


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