

Happy New Year

I hope that you do not mind our lack of gusto recently.  Few blog posts, no Christmas card or greeting, and updates few and far between.  I'll at least make an attempt to say "Happy New Year!"

This is what we've been up to for the last week or so...
Friends from Maryland!
Girl's night out 
Potteiger Family Christmas
Henry Family Christmas
And we have a surprise too....
(well, if you really know us, I guess it's not much of a surprise)

Bebe Numero Cuatro
Due in early/mid June.
(Christian is obviously happy.  The girls are just can't tell in this picture).

(and just a heads up, we aren't planning on finding out the gender.  ...cuz I know you'll ask!).  We're old school like that.  And the fact that we are having so many munchkins.  And we're not even 30 yet.  For now I'm happy raising my children and supporting my hubby, and yes, we know we're crazy.  :)

But we're happy.

And we're hoping you can find happiness with your own family and be revived in your walk with Christ this new year....2012!!!



  1. Very happy for you. Enjoy these years, they go by so fast.

  2. Congratulations!!!! Very exciting! You guys are not afraid of change.

  3. Thank you for each grandchild! Dad and I are very excited about each new life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow! Congrats!
    - Beth (logged in as Chip)

  6. How exciting! Will you find out if it is one or two?? :) Congrats!

  7. Woohoo! Exciting news :-) Congratulations!!


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