


We're getting pretty good at it, you know.

This time around involved getting rid of a lot more stuff, some of which we had just moved less than a year ago.  I realized I like getting rid of things.  I like it a LOT.  Some of you inquired about the items, thanks for looking and buying!

I have been a negligent parent/blogger recently, and seem to forget my camera all the time.  In one aspect, its nice to not have to carry it around, but then the day is done and I don't have anything to show for it.  The following pictures are taken with my cell phone (which doesn't take great pictures), as my meager attempt to share what in the world has been happening.

Our last weekend home included a wedding which Simon and Christian were in.  We were simultaneously attending a family weekend at a local campground.

Christian as the "official" ring bearer, he did super!
I couldn't think of a better way to spend our last weekend in Maryland, surrounded by family and friends, watching our kids make memories with cousins, and sending well-wishes to our newlywed friends, Pete and Sara.  It was a whirlwind of a weekend, and Monday morning came charging through the door: time to load up!

This was my view for the 10 hour drive.
The move went as well as it could have.  Everything fit in the truck (much thanks to Dad Henry and Isaac), the house got cleaned, the last night at Simon's parents was restful, the drive was long but surprisingly peaceful, unloading was quick thanks to the help of my parent's church friends, and the kids have loved every moment of living at their grandparent's house.

Alas, we are settled into my parents cozy basement and the kids have their rooms upstairs.  I think it will work just fine.  I get to use a lovely little kitchen (which isn't even quite finished yet, will be great when it is!).  Simon is enjoying his new job.  Over the next few months we will start looking for a home to buy.  And life goes on.  Thanks to each of you who said a prayer for us in this transition, we feel loved and supported by so many, we don't deserve it, but we are thankful.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome {back} to Indiana! Once life slows down for you guys, I'd love to get together...I'm sure Dan and Simon would love to catch up as well. Our house is still very much underconstruction, but if you're ever in the Fort Wayne area, PLEASE feel free to stop in.


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