

Newborn Sleeper from Tshirt

Thanks to This Mama Makes Stuff, who shared a great tutorial and pattern here on making a newborn sleeper from a large t-shirt!  I used up one naptime to make one for our friends who just had their first baby boy, and who also happen to be IWU grads.  I was pretty happy with it, and if you are an IWU grad and you have a baby, you'll probably get one in the mail too.

Yes, I know this picture is sideways, but I don't feel like taking the time to change it.  You get the general idea.

"Never Too Young"
Congrats to Jon, Amy, and Carter!


  1. cute! Luke and I's future babies would love one...even though i'm sure you're talking about your sister :)

  2. how cute is this! Love that idea :)

  3. One of my students had this shirt on today and I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I was thinking, "There are gonna be a bunch of babies wearing those." lol


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