

The Figge

While on my adventures to the midwest, I took the chance to leave the kids with my mom and sister and spend two entire hours by myself at an art museum.  I didn't know to what extent I would enjoy this, but I loved it all!  I went to The Figge Museum in Davenport, Iowa.
And get this, its pronounced "figgy."  No joke!
I really want to sit in this chair! Image via Figge site.
Some of my favorites exhibits included The Art of Seating (chairs during the last 200 years), a small Frank Lloyd Wright exhibit, and a gallery of works my Virginia Myers (A Time of Malfeasance).  Myers' works actually ended up being the most amazing and fun to study.  From a distance, the pieces looked like scratchy and distorted figures/faces (like, what in the world is going on?).  But up close, the detail of fine line and even doodling to create texture and lighting was astounding and I loved it!
This piece was actually the first one that I realized was so detailed.  I wish you could get as close as I could to see what this drawing is truly made up of...
Image Source
Anyway, it's been awhile since I had visited a museum.  This may have been the first time I could actually stop and read what I wanted to and feel like I was really learning something, and not just looking at a million pieces of art like a drive-by, or worried I was being a drag to whomever else I was with.  I think you should try it sometime (besides, sometimes they're free!...or fairly cheap.  I paid $7 for 2 awesome hours of enrichment).
I also loved the drawing room (with paper and mediums provided) where I could sit and draw for a few minutes.  Sheesh, when was the last time I just sat down to draw something?!

Here's a quote I found by Virginia Myers:
One of the parts 
of education and growing up and maturing, 
is to find out who you are 
and what are the things that you could do 
that will help you to give back 
the best that you have. 

Thanks to my mom and sister for watching the kids--- I needed an educational field trip!
What are some things you do when you get away by yourself?


  1. I still don't say 'figgy' because I think it sounds better as a 'feeje.' Perhaps I should go sometime. We loved looking after your babies, even when Christian peed all over my kitchen floor. :) I'm glad you had a lovely time at the museum... make sure you take time for yourself again soon!


  2. This sounds like a truly enjoyable and beneficial few hours. Really glad you could do it!

    When I get away by myself I like to go to a coffee shop to read and journal. I also (if I have the money) love to treat myself to a massage or something wonderful like that. It's so relaxing! But I may have to give this museum thing a try!


Let me know what you think...