

Kid's Hoodie Fix Up

One of Christian's most-used zip up hoodies mysteriously got a stain across the front.  I was bummed, but just ignored it and he wore it anyway (don't know if you can see the stain in this picture, but that's what it looked like before).

Then I came across this blog post about making a boy's shirt into a hoodie.  The idea I liked was sewing the graphic part of an old tshirt across the front.  And I was like: YES!  THAT'S WHAT I'LL DO!
So I found some tshirts in boy-appropriate colors with cool graphics, cut the part out that I liked, and sewed them on right over the stain.  First I zipped up the hoodie, pinned the scraps in place, cut up the middle where the zipper opens, then sewed in place (and no need to worry about hemming the edges, they won't fray or unravel, as long as you use a tshirt).  Ta Da!

But the colors on the front seemed a little out of place, so I also added more of the blue inside his hood.  I copied the hood shape, sewed a seam in the middle, then sewed it in place.  The bottom edge (by the neck), was left raw, but again, that is okay with tshirt fabric.
Yes, I like that added touch.  And he loved the "updated jacket"...he thought he was soooo cool.
I was also planning on adding some embroidery stitching around the sleeve cuffs (also suggested from this post and also here), but I never got to it, and now summer is practically here.  Guess I'll save it for another project.
So if your kiddo gets a stain right on the front of a shirt or jacket: THERE IS HOPE!  If you can pin, cut, and sew a straight line, you can re-make a favorite shirt into an even "more-favoriter" shirt.  YESSS!


  1. Seriously amazing....I wish you had posted this when my son was young. Of course, you were still young then yourself. I love the cool.

  2. Way to be resourceful and upcycle something! Love it!

  3. You just rock. You're going to have to teach me to sew soon. I've got 5 and 1/2 months to figure it out...


  4. Very fun! It looks great! Very smart and talented Momma, you are!

  5. this is genius. seriously.

  6. You are so creative Rachel!!! That looks like it was bought that way!


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