

Hair Ideas

If you're anything like me, you are always on the lookout for a new way to do your hair.  We get in ruts, right?  Last week I came across a few hairdo tutorials, and I tried 2 of them over the weekend, loved both!

The first is a messy side ponytail found here.  This was a nice look, and can be dressy or casual.  I've hardly ever teased my hair into a poof, so this was new for me.  I still have some work to do.  Picture from her tutorial:

Second is my new favorite....a messy bun, and it really works!  Not only does it work every time, but it stays in place so well--- even through sleeping, a workout, whatev.  (the trick is using bobby pins instead of hair bands).  I've done it up high on my head, or even combined the "poofy" look on top with a lower messy bun.  Classy.  See the pictures of the how-to here.  (this picture is from the tutorial...I'm still working on getting mine this "messy").

This last one I haven't actually tried yet, I just don't think I have the face or grace to pull it off.  But maybe you do, and more power to you.  Check out this braided bun here.

Let me know if you try these or even if you have your own ideas you do to your hair.  I'd love to try them out!


  1. Silly've got the face and the grace to wear this!

  2. I think the key for the braided bun would be to tease or let your unbraided hair pretty loose. And even the braid appeared to be loose. Otherwise you may end up looking like the following (which I would NOT recommend):

    I wonder if they have any secrets for people with really heavy hair. All those styles looked perfect for yours... mine, ehhh. We'll see how it goes.


  3. Rhonda Potteiger4/4/11, 8:35 AM

    Personally, I think these girls need a lesson on how to do hair from Aunt Martha. I also think that the different ways you do your hair beat these gals. So why aren't your hair styles or Aunt Martha's styles in a magazine? HA!

  4. Have you heard of the sock bun? I had not until don't necessarily strike me as a "sock bun kind of gal", but I thought of you and the varying hair trials you're doing and wondered if you'd come across it.


Let me know what you think...