

Cherry Blossom Mobile

Martha is on my good side lately.  Martha Stewart that is.
I saw this cute bird mobile with cherry blossoms and immediately thought of my friend, who at that time was about to have a baby.  They decorated their nursery in cherry blossoms, even painting a tree in the corner, how lovely!  This was the perfect little gift for baby Jocelyn.
So I enlisted the help of several of my "crafting buddies" (I had opted to cut out all the shapes instead of buying Martha's flower and leaf craft punches, which also meant a more labor-intensive project).

I was SO glad we could make this together instead of on my own: it would've taken forever to cut all that out!
We had a fun time and loved the result.  Crafting with friends is fun.
You could also make this for a boy... with blue birds and branches with leaves only.  Aren't mobiles fun?  There are endless ideas, have you made a mobile you'd like to share?
Welcome baby Jocelyn Joy, hope you like your birdies!


  1. She does love the birdies! Thank you so much Rachel and company- the mobile looks darling in her nursery :-)

  2. Heeey! I know someone who is going to have a baby soon. Soon-ish. But I wonder if Dear ol' Martha has a mobile focusing on elephants...? :)


  3. Very cute! Crafty mama!


Let me know what you think...