

Project:Simplify Paper Clutter

This week's HOTSPOT was paper clutter.
I had three spots to clean up, my counter "mail" area, my desk, and some books that had been sitting on the floor for months.  BEFORE:

It didn't even take very long, but it makes everything feel so much better.  I confess, I didn't do the in-depth purge the website was suggesting, but I did what was necessary to have a fresh start.  I even snagged a basket out of the girls' room to put unread magazines in.
Anyone else do some paper purging recently?  Visit Simple Mom to see their results.  It does feel so good to get extra papers out of the house!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Im living in sooo much dust right now that I can't bring stuff out to sort and go through. I'm anxious to get to Spring cleaning though. Looking forward to seeing you on Weds. evening.


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