

Not Too Late to Sign Up

April 1st is soon arriving, and I'm trying to mentally prepare for the 21 days of praying for Christian.  If you're a mom of boys, it's not to late to sign up here.  The commitment is to pray for your son(s) 10 times each day!... I'm still trying to figure out specific times I can pray each day: as soon as I get up, breakfast, snack time, lunch, etc etc.  
I'll be giving an update each Friday during that time, and if you're a family member, I'd welcome your prayers for my little guy as well, that he would have a heart sensitive to God's leading (and his parent's instruction) and for his character in general.
Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I have decided to do this...thanks to you! It was a last minute decision (10 minutes ago) but I was thinking it's probably not ever too early to pray for Joshua. He has already started showing his "will" so why not?!?! It may not be that life changing right now but I have a feeling it will change me!!!!!! :) Thanks for being so transparent and real. Love you Rach!


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