

Mothers of Boys

How did the last week and a half fly by so quickly!  I know I promised a post about the roman shades, and somehow life has been slightly busy since we've returned from our trip.  Did you know we were on a trip?  Oh yes!  The only reason I was able to write the last few posts was because I was staying at my parent's house and had help with the kids.  I promise I'll write about the shades this weekend!

On a different note, my children have been weighing heavily on me the last few days.  The girls have all of a sudden developed strong wills that are demonstrated through screaming and crying fits, even if they've just been fed, diapered, whatever.  And we're talking super high pitched piercing screams.  Jadah likes to scream when its the middle of her nap.  Selah likes to scream when she's supposed to be playing.  SCREAMING BABIES AHHHHHH.  Time to pray and pull out Babywise II for some parent-touch-up, and then set these gals straight. 

And then there's Christian.  He's the sweetest, smartest, most goofy kid I know, but let me tell ya, that kid needs Jesus.  Yet another aggressive incident between him and another boy (in which Christian was the aggressor), has me at a low point of parenting: have I failed miserably with this boy?!?!  And in the midst of my dilemma, I read a blog called the MOB society, and they highlighted another blog mom who just wrote an e-book about praying for our sons.  They are having a 21 day commitment to pray for our sons 10 times each day (but doesn't start until April 1st, I think I may start NOW).  Needless to say, I clicked "BUY NOW" right away and even printed the book on some scrap paper.  So even if you are having a good spell with your own boy(s), I think it is totally worth taking the time and commitment to pray for our sons.  I'm sure at some point, you'll be throwing up the white flags of surrender saying "God, there's only so much I can do, YOU have to save this child!," because that is exactly what I have been experiencing this week.
  As always, your words of advice and wisdom are always welcomed.  But if your a mom of boys, head over to Brooke's site to read about the 21 days of prayer.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rachel, you have not failed this boy. Failure would look more like not caring about shaping his character. You passionately care and on your knees are going to battle on behalf of Christian. This is where the war is won. I am going to purchase the e-book as well and join you in this all important, strategic battle for his heart, mind and soul. God created Christian for His glory and through prayer we will see that accomplished. Thanks for being a warrior mom! With all my love.


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