

Just to Make You Laugh...

This is from before Christmas, but it still makes me giggle...
Poor Jadah had such a bad head cold she could barely keep her eyes open.
I was taking a few pictures to get the best look...and, well, isn't this next one just AWFUL?!...
Poor sweet baby, I sure am glad you are better now!
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  1. Is it bad that I am hysterically laughing at Jadah's expense? That last one is hilarious. Glad she's better though!

    P.S. I'm still laughing!

  2. oh no! My eyes are watering just looking at that picture, poor Jadah!

  3. Awww! Poor little girl. I chuckled and winced at the same time. I'm so anxious to have them in my arms again. Can't wait.

  4. This is the best worst picture ever. Now I know what I look like when I'm sick... :)

  5. I had so much fun getting to know your girls at the game tonight. They were real sweeties. The whole way home, I kept feeling a wet spot on my neck....I think it was a bit of baby drool. Thanks for bringing and sharing them.


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