

Reader Opinion: Dish-Washing Hands

I'm happy, my dishes are getting washed every day!  But I'm feeling the repercussions all day long in my hands: they are so dry!  This is the first time in my life that I've had hands this dry  (I thought only my mom and sister dealt with it!...maybe they were busy washing the dishes all the time?). 

So here's my inquiry: what are your best ways to keep your hands soft and moisturized in these blustery winter months?

Thanks for your help!
PS- this post and the one preceding it are dedicated to my Father-in-Law, who proclaimed while seeing me load my dishwasher, "I could have had all the dishes washed in that time."  You got me thinking! Thanks!


  1. Keep a pretty pump lotion beside the sink and use it throughout the day.

  2. Aquaphor works great! We use it all Winter long. You can buy it anywhere, Target, Wal-Mart, etc.

  3. don't do the dishes. (says josh.) I say you can wear gloves when you wash dishes. also, lotion, lotion, lotion (I really like goldbond- remember that stuff I had last Christmas?)don't wash your hands or shower in really hot water. when you dry your hands, pat, don't rub. buy cheap gloves and put them over a thick layer of lotion on your hands before you go to sleep. wear gloves when you go outside. have simon give you hand massages with lotion??? :)

    Love you,

  4. Although it's a little more expensive, you should wash your dishes with Dawn Hand Renewal with Olay. It gets your dishes clean, and it is so nice on the hands. There are coupons for it all the time to help on the price. Check it out

  5. I bought a lotion candle at a local farmers market that I want to try this winter--I'll let you know how it turns out

  6. Rachel, I have the same problem. Hence, I always wear gloves when I do hand dishes in the winter. Also, I'm a fan of applying overnight hand cream right before I turn out the lights (I keep it right by my bed). Hope you find a nice solution. Katie

  7. I have hand lotion right beside my sink so I have been putting it on everyday and that has helped my hands! -Lauren

  8. I use a product called "hand therapy" by Camille Beckmann. I get it at the Gift Enclosure in chambersburg. It's pricey, but one container lasted me all of last year. It had glycerin in it. I get Tuscan honey flavor. You can look it up online to find a location near you.


Let me know what you think...