

Reader Opinion: Early Mornings

I've decided to add a new genre of blog posts entitled "Reader Opinion."  I'll use these whenever I want your advice or thoughts on something. 

My first plea: any ideas on how to get kids to sleep in later in the morning?  Before the time change, they all got up at 7, but obviously now that is 6.  Christian wakes up because he has to go to the bathroom and the girls each mess their diapers.  I don't know if there is a way to get those "bodily cycles" to delay?  It seems like they still wake up at the same time even when we put them to bed a little later at night.  Thoughts?


  1. I would try slowly pushing their bed time back a bit. That's what I did for Will and he's pretty much adjusted.

  2. P.S. You have cute kiddos :)

  3. I agree with Amy. Get them good and worn out during the day. What if you would reduce their day naps slightly and put them to bed a little later? Miserable evening but a glorious morning. I'll come next week and give you a bit of a break. Love You!


Let me know what you think...