

Look What I Won!

I'm subscribed to almost 50 blogs on Google Reader...keeps me busy for a few evenings of the week.  They are blogs of friends, interior design, sewing, and mom stuff.  Anyway, those "professional" bloggers have pretty good giveaways, and like, a million people comment to win.  But guess what, I finally won a giveaway!!!  I couldn't believe it when I saw my name!  Looky what I won...
 This super wonderful pillow from Alice Lane Home.  And the best part: the price tag.  My jaw literally fell open when I saw it.  I won't tell you how much the $123 tag was for.(!)  I think this pillow just became a family heirloom.  Anyway, hope you get to win a giveaway sometime too!


  1. It looks very nice. I'm wondering what the 3 in the corner stands for. Congratulations. You know we are all wondering what the cost would be. Hint.

  2. SERIOUSLY!? $123 That's crazy! Glad you won!!!


Let me know what you think...