

The Week Has Arrived

Today was our last morning in our church.  It was the first time the reality of what is about to happen  has sunk in.   I am sad to leave, this place has become our home.  The people, not the place, are what make a place so wonderful.  
Last night we were able to have our dear college friends over.  Our evening, full of laughter (mainly at Christian, such a ham!) and good food, ended with all of them praying for Simon and I as we make this transition to Maryland.  Who could ask for better friends?  We know they will be lifelong.
This afternoon we are headed to our last get-together with our small group from church, another amazing group of friends.  How ever will we make new friends?!  We have been so blessed by the people in our lives.  But in time, I know we will.
Our garage is full of boxes and there is still enough packing and cleaning left to keep me busy for the next 3 days.  Simon's parents are flying here on Wednesday, we load the truck Thursday, drive to Maryland on Friday, and unload on Saturday.  One week from this very moment, I will be in my new home: 500 miles away.


  1. Sniff sniff! Is it too late to change your mind?

  2. You mean the gorgeous scenery of Marion won't be missed!? ;)
    I am in the same boat as you, only we're only moving to a new apartment in the city. I'll be thinking of you as we both do this stressful relocation thing...

  3. Mom Pottieger10/3/10, 7:40 PM

    Daddy and I wish you the absolute best. We will miss having you close enough to be there in 2 hours. We have enjoyed these times so much. We know God will direct your paths as He has done for us. We continue to entrust you and our grandbabies into His precious care. We bless you as you make this move. Love You All!

  4. I was doing ok with this whole moving thing as long as I pretended it wasn't happening. This post got the tear ducts working again.

  5. Thinking of you from S. America. Suerte y que Dios les bendiga.

  6. ok I am trying not to think about this move...but here it is..I am actually going away friday so i don't have to see you leave..sigh!!
    The Pattengales will miss you all so much..but we are hopeful you will visit sometime. We have a few spare rooms during the school year..well if Simon doesn't fill them for us again..
    We sure love you and will miss you. Praying God's best for all of you.

  7. I can only imagine the emotions you must be feeling! Praying for you as you make your move!


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