

Yummy Veggies

In the last post, I said that Selah was eating better and always finished her bottle first. I think they must've snuck out in the middle of the night and read my post, because the day after writing it, they completely switched roles. Now Jadah has been faster, and is also doing better with a spoon, while Selah just wants to eat her fingers the whole time. Oh girls.
The thing that made the difference for Jadah was starting real food instead of just rice cereal. For convenience, I started with store-bought stuff, but now I am making my own(starting with sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots). Anyway, while eating lunch, I glanced up at my stove, where I had set the containers until use, and saw a lovely little set:
 It was just so pretty and AUTUMN!... seems to be the thing everyone is talking about these days, might as well jump on the bandwagon.

Jadah really is so close to crawling. If you put a toy a few feet away from her, she'll get to it (slowly).
Lastly, every night before bed, Simon carries a little red flashlight and checks on all the kids sleeping (I see them enough during the day, so it's not so important for me to peek at them, even though they are oh-so-cute when sleeping!). He found Selah like this the other night:
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