

In the Mary-Land

We had the chance to visit Simon's family, some of my family, and several friends, in Maryland this past week.  After spending several days there, Simon surprised me and took me to Ocean City for a day 1/2.  We spent some time at the beach (and played in the cold water), stayed at a hotel, and of course, visited the boardwalk...
 I had my first crab cake--- and was pleasantly surprised!  I loved it!  We didn't want to buy any "stuff" but we just kept buying food.  We had chicken fingers and french fries, a crab cake, a slice of pizza, funnel cake, coffee, and a very small gelati (just like they are in Italy!).  Yahoo.  Thanks for a fun trip Sweetie!
The kids spent time with Simon's parents and grandparents, and their gorgeous cousins, Olivia and Victoria.  This was the prime week to dress the kids in Orioles stuff, the girls' outfits were actually Christian's when he was their age.  Yes, I do realize they look like little boys, but oh well.

More baby-holding action from Dortha, Karen, and Dorlinda: it was so great to see everyone!  *If you are reading this and you held both babies and I didn't get your picture, I am quite sorry!  Feel free to leave a comment... you have bragging rights too!

I'll post a few more pictures later, this is all I have for now.
PS- I absolutely LOVE Picasa for my pictures.  These photo collages save me much time and space in the blogging realm.
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1 comment:

  1. haha I love the picture of all of them together. Just darling!


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