

Christian is TWO!

We celebrated Christian turning two (way back on June 1st).  Simon's parents were in town the next weekend so we invited my parents and his "surrogate" grandparents, the Pattengales, over for a little party.  
He got some super toys to add to our growing collection:

I tried to be quirky and make these "cake pops"...(from the great site bakerella) lets just say they didn't turn out quite like they were supposed to, but they still tasted pretty good!  Christian loved them, and even knew to blow out the candles.  Who knew!?  :)

Then we hung out and enjoyed the new toys.  We also tried playing Kub for the first time.  Fun!

We feel so blessed to have wonderful people in our lives that love our children.  I can't believe I have a two year old--- and a smart, adorable, crazy one at that.  He's the best (most days!). 
Thanks everyone for a fun party!


  1. So fun! Christian has such a big (great!) personality.

  2. Lindsey Lange7/9/10, 7:31 PM

    Looks like a really fun party! BTW - Rachel, you have long hair again!!! Yay! Looks beautiful :)


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