

Christian and Jace

Our friends Greg and Amy had this spunky little guy 3 months after we had Christian (how can you not love Jace's adorable grin!).  The 2 of them have been "best" friends ever since--- well, as much as you can be a friend at that age--- and it's not like they have much say in the matter.  They both love all things boy and have been learning to share together.  Jace came to play the other day and it was the first time that I was able to get stuff done while they played in Christian's room.  It was AMAZING!  I just kept smiling to myself.  They are growing up!
How cool are they?
Major milk drinkers here...
And of course, they loved jumping onto couch cushions. 

Great form... (look out Jace!)
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  1. This may be my favorite post any anyone, ever. Love your family!

  2. Hey! Love, love, love reading your blog! What beautiful children you have! So glad that things are going well for you! Love you guys!


  3. Luke and I loved the pictures. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!


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