

5 Months

The little ladies are growing like weeds.  At their appt this week, they both weighed around 15.5 lbs.  Selah still has more hair, but has been losing it pretty steadily.  And in the meantime, Jadah lost hers and has been growing new hair (a lighter shade).  So I'm guessing they are going to meet somewhere in the middle and I won't be able to tell them apart anymore.  My safeguard is the mole that came in on Selah's arm.  Phew.
They are big enough to sit in their highchairs now, so if I need to get stuff done in the kitchen, this is where they get plopped (notice my lovely junk bin looking mammoth on the table).

I am trying to take these type of picture(below) once a month, and somehow I started it on the 1/2 of the month (just so you dont think I do it at the month and 1/2 month stages... eeek-- too much!)  
They are also sporting their cloth diapers.  I am giving g-diapers a try this time.  So far, I like them a lot!  Jadah is always orange, and Selah is always cream.
My orange creamsicles!

They definitely notice each other now.  It is fun to let them look at each other and listen to them coo and jabber.  In a week or two, we are going to try putting them in different cribs.  Hopefully they aren't too attached to each other.  (We'll also be trying Christian in a twin bed-- yippee!).
Being a mom of twins is so-way better now than it was 2-3 months ago.  I can only imagine that it will get better too!  Thank you Lord for your blessings!
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1 comment:

  1. Love the creamsicle babies! Also, love those Nike onesies...:)


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