

Keeping it Brief

So I guess posting once a month is the best I can do right now. 
These pictures are a few weeks old, but they're a good start!

Christian got his summer hair cut!
**Note to all moms (or wives): it is among my beliefs that an essential tool/skill you should learn is cutting your dude's hair.  There are videos on you tube to help get you started: I know it is scary chopping away at someone's hair, but with practice, you'll be a pro.  It will literally save you HUNDREDS of dollars during your life, especially if you have boys.  I primarily use clippers on Simon's, and did with Christian's this time too.  You can do it!  Just a thought! :)
And the gals are(were) 3 1/2 months old... getting so big!

More to come soon!
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1 comment:

  1. LOVE that top right picture of Christian... so cute!


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