

Twins--- look alikes and poses...

It's already amazed me how many times I go in to look at the girls and they are in the exact same positions!  Here are some examples:
"What a nice wall!"

Ninja Babies!

We left them in the crib like this...

And when I came back they were like this...



  1. Oh how this brings me back!! And you'll be glad to know that mine are almost 2 and still sleep together every night and snuggle :)

    And the breastfeeding WILL get easier! I know it's so time consuming in the beginning, but once they get a little bigger you'll be able to tandem feed and it will become so much easier.

  2. haha these baby pictures are awesome!!! It's so cute how they just radiate towards each other :-) And poor Christian with the toilet seat crying - poor little guy! (but kinda funny)

  3. Oh how I love your babies!!! I wish that I lived closer...I would adopt myself out as "aunt char" ... keep posting!

  4. the pictures are priceless! Thanks for sharing them and your story! We love all of you and are on your list of who to call when in need

  5. Absolutely Wonderful!!! Funny and precious all rolled into two.


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