


We had a very nice Christmas holiday in Maryland.  It involved the typical eating out, late night card games, last minute shopping, and Christmas festivities.  Christian figured out about opening presents when we had Christmas at my parents, so he was well prepared for Christmas day.  He got toys, a few clothes, and some other random items.  Thanks everyone!  You can't tell in any of these pictures, but his little green pj's say "Santa's" on the front, and "Helper" on the bottom. 

This is Simon's dad... Pappy...
(notice the similar hair!)

Daddy and Christian (we love that bare chest!)...

This is Simon's mom... Mammaw...
This is Simon's brother, Luke, and his girlfriend Lauren.  You might remember seeing Lauren's picture before because she babysat Christian every week last year while I finished school.

And this is Simon's oldest brother Isaac, and his wife Tara.  They have to daughters, Olivia and Victoria, who Christian loves playing with.

Christian enjoyed the potato soup on Christmas day...

And just to throw this in there, I was 26 weeks pregnant at Christmas (please disregard my unkempt appearance... stayed in my pj's all day on Christmas)...

I am now 27 1/2 weeks, and I measured around my middle today: a whopping 41 inches at the level of my belly button.  I wonder how big that number will get before the end?!!?

So that was our Christmas day.  We're ready to get home and tackle the mess that still remains from moving into the new house.  Indiana, here we come!


  1. I'm gonna add you to my blogroll if you don't mind :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Now get home so I can see my pregnant friend!

  3. awesome pics- I love the ones of your belly!

  4. Great pictures! Thanks for the scarf!


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