

Rome Update 4

Only 1 day left in Rome.
Today we went to the Vatican City, which includes the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica.  Very impressive size, grandeur, and art.  We went up into the cupola of St. Peter's--- WOW!... Simon's stomach was queesy near the edge.... very high up! 
I can't believe I forgot to mention this last night, but SUPER bad news: my camera broke after the first day here. (HUGE sad face)... the shutter release is broken, and we've asked several people who know about Nikon's to look at it (even a prof from Penn State who does media journalism and knows all about them).  All their ideas have failed... and so we have resorted to disposables.... yippee. 
Simon bought me an Italian sweater (one that will fit over my ever-expanding belly)... and he got a t-shirt (of course) and tie.
We are about to Skype with Christian, YAY!   Then we will have a nice dinner of pizza and probably go to bed early, like every other night.
Tomorrow we are going to Orveta, a town in the countryside.  VERY excited about this.

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