

Rome update 3

What another great day!
Started out a little rough: got woken up around 5am by the conierge telling us our taxi was here... except we didn't order a taxi.  I couldn't go back to sleep for over 2 hours... but finally did, so we both slept in.  Then headed out, past the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and back around the Colosseum area.  We took a tour which included the Circus Maximus, a little church with the truth-telling face thing (if you've ever seen the movie roman holiday i guess it's on there)... then on to the catacombs (pretty neat!), and finally St. Peter's chains with Michelangelo's sculptures of Moses, etc.  All very impressive... we are glad we got the tour and didn't just count on our own guidings.
We still love the food... we've had pizza, pasta, gelato, and our own snacks.  Everything is expensive here... one euro is equal to $1.50... so we feel like prices are reasonable, but we're actually paying a little more.  Weather is still super nice... perfect for walking around.
Tomorrow we are going to the Vatican.  It will probably be an all-day thing because it is on the other side of town... and lots to do there.
We have an internet cafe right across the street from our hotel, so that is WONDERFUL!... what are the odds? 
We were going to try to skype with Christian today, but it won't work out because of his nap schedule and the time difference.  Last night we were trying to remember what he looked like.  :-( ... can't wiat to give him big hugs!
That's it for now. 
Oh--- and as far as being pregnant, it is definitely not an ideal situation.  When we planned the trip, I figured I'd be preggo, but not this far along and not with twins.  It is okay most of the time, but I get a little stiff and achy at times.  Getting good exercise though!
Thanks for checking in, time to get back to the big city of Roma.

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