

In Case You Didn't Hear...

That's right, TWO of them.  Doctor said he never says he's 100% sure, but then added that he has NEVER been wrong.
We have to be honest, we were expecting at least one of them to be a boy... so it has taken some getting used to... but we're pretty happy.  Christian will be the protector big brother, and hopefully he'll get another brother someday.
The babies are pretty much the same size and right-on for their due date.  They seem healthy and are as cute as unborn babies can be.  We won't know until they're born if they are identical or fraternal.   So at least we still get some sort of surprise even though we found out the genders!

We're still surviving in our little apartment... but news with our new house isn't so great.  It isn't appraising for our agreed-upon price, and the seller is not budging in their price (guess they don't really want to sell it).  So we may be back to square one as far as looking for a place to live... either buying or renting.  

We need to do a lot of planning before our trip to Rome in less than 2 weeks!  We're quite excited... but as of right now, we have absolutely nothing planned except our plane and hotel.  If you've been to Rome and have recommendations for us, PLEASE comment and let us know!  Thanks.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on your news of the twin girls! How exciting!
    amanda t. (amy's sister in law)

  2. I was gonna ask you guys at church today, but then I thought I would check on here! Congrats times 2 :)

  3. Hey Rachel...It's Dani and I went to Italy on a Mission trip this summer and we flew in and out of Rome and got to spend a little time there. If you want, I could give you guys some info/helpful pointers? You can let me know on facebook or give me a call 330-204-5775 :)

    Oh and Congrats on the Girls! I'm sure Christian will be a great big brother!

  4. Simon is in for it! He's going to be in trouble. Those little girls are going to steal his heart! ROME! Holy Moly- how amazing will that be? I'm so jealous!

  5. Congratulations!!! Wow!!! Two girls! How wonderful for you and Simon. Christian will sure have his hands full for the next few years trying to keep an eye on them. Have a wonderful time in Rome. (I am bitter jealous). I can't wait to see pictures! Maybe you can get a ride on one of those Vespas!


Let me know what you think...