

What to do with Tomatoes!?

 I had an overabundance of tomatoes from our garden (as is everyone's story)--- so I made some spaghetti sauce!

Making Spaghetti Sauce
First you blanch the tomatoes (boil then put in cold water) and remove the skins:

And then you puree them in a blender --- sorry no picture of this.
Put tomatoes in a pot and add whatever you want (zuccini, carrots, spices, garlic, onion, etc).
And you let it simmer for ALL day! (I left mine there for about 6-8 hours).
(My house smelled so good!)

Of course this makes a lot, so I used some for dinner that night and froze the rest....

This past weekend, I wanted to use up more tomatoes, so we made home made pizza with fresh tomato sauce....
First I made dough for the pizza crust (is has oregano in it!)... this is before it is baked...

Then I washed tomatoes and put them in the chopper for a few seconds... a great "sauce!"
I added lots of cheese and baked it and ta-da!...a delicious pizza!!!... unfortunately I cut it before I took the picture (looked better in real life of course!)...

This and the spaghetti sauce were both SO good (to my amazement)
and I wish you could just TASTE a bite! :)

I absolutely LOVE Italian food.
Think I might be Italian?! 
Happy Cooking!


  1. Hey I love tomatoes!!!! :) Fantastic idea! I may have to try that sometime. If you ever need to get rid of some, I'd love some! :)

  2. YUM! That pizza looks delicious! I'm impressed. And I'm with Tiff, if you ever need to get rid of some, I would love some as well :)

  3. Way to go to use all those tomatoes- you are an awesome cook. You will love being able to pull out that sauce from the freezer and knowing it was homemade.


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