

Little Trip to Iowa

Simon, Christian and I made a trip to Iowa for the last 2 days to help my sister Ericka and her husband Josh move into their new apartment. She will be a nurse in the ICU while he attends Palmer School of Chiropractics. They got a place on the 3rd floor without elevators: so the guys really showed off their muscles (and boy was I impressed!).

Here we are before our spaghetti dinner together:
(And yes, Christian is tied to the chair! You do what you can.)

This is Christian sleeping on the way home (we loved those restful moments!):

In other news, Christian is starting to make some friends. This is Gracie, a girl 2 months older than Christian who we were babysitting one night. So cute playing the piano together!:

Christian found an apple I left at too low of an elevation, and to my surprise, he bit right in, and KEPT eating! He ate most of the apple, just walking around chewing. I loved it!:

ALSO: we sold our house! It will be inspected on Monday, so hopefully everything is in proper order. We won't be closing until October, so we will hopefully have time to find a new house (or a place to rent). Your prayers are welcomed.


  1. How do you have Christian strapped in at the dinner table?! Glad you made it home safely. Christian looks like such a big boy in all the pics!

  2. Amy I'm so glad you comment on my blog. :) You're the only one!
    We tied him down with a ribbon from one of Ericka's wedding gifts. Actually worked really well! He DOES look big doesn't he?!?! I'm like-- who's kid is that? :)

  3. Rachel! :) You have a blog :)


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