

For Sale By Owner

Some of you know that we put our house up for sale a few months ago. We showed it one time, and hadn't had much interest besides. BUT, about 2 weeks ago, some people came to look and wanted to make an offer! They DID--- this past Monday. But on Monday, I also showed the house to another couple, and they made of offer YESTERDAY! So now we are in the thick of things, making calls for advice from our realtor friends (you know who you are!---thank you!).

Depending on what happens, we may move sooner rather than later, which means I would have to PACK. Yikes--- what a task. I haven't even thought about it yet. And then there is the question of where to move. There is a house we like a few miles away, but it was taken off the market a few weeks ago. If things go through with ours, we will approach them to see if they are still interested in selling. If not, we're back to square UNO. But we're okay with renting for a little while in between. So please pray that the right person gets our house and that it all works out for the best. God is amazingly faithful and I ask myself all the time why He is so good to us.

Our little house on Landess Street may not belong to us much longer, so I am enjoying every moment of it! Check it out at

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