

Adventures in the East

I took this picture for Christian, who says "ay" quite often.
Now I know what he has been trying to tell me all this time!

Simon and I left Christian with our parents and went to Alexandria, VA for 4 days. It was a much needed get-away and we enjoyed our one-on-one time. We also went to DC for a day. The pictures below are jumbled, but you'll get the point:

The "Liborator"--- Simon (Bolivar):

A beautiful sunny day:

Museum pride:

That's the white house way back there:

Where we enjoyed our dinner of shared chicken fingers and 50 billion tv screens:

A new kind of baseball: 2 batters at once!:

Our hotel lobby: (Hotel Monaco)

And sweet bedroom!:

This sign has an ongoing curiosity in my family:

At Lincoln's temple:

At Monument:

And that concludes our trip! We also spent time walking the streets of Alexandria, eating at Joe Theisman's restaurant, sleeping, and attending a time-share presentation. We also got free valet parking because our tv was fuzzy, our fridge didn't work, and our ipod dock and radio on the clock didn't work. Annoying? Yes. But very much worth the inconvenience to get free valet!

When it's all said and done: parents need to get away from their kids every once in a while.

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